13 Moons: A Celestial Adventure! - Demo Copy (Pre-order)

Regular price $7.50

Purchase of 13 Moons: A Celestial Adventure! required for purchase of this demo copy. One copy per store, please.

Expected Street Date: Q1 2025

Not to be Sold on Amazon

Media Kit

MSRP: $29.99
Product Code: MMP01000DEMO
UPC: 198168602522
Manufactured in: China
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 3.5 x 2 in.
Product Weight: 0.58 lbs.
Case Quantity: 10
Case Dimensions: TBA
Case Weight: TBA

Players: 2-4 • Playing Time: 10-45 • Age: 8+

A celestial game of strategy and moonlight! 13 Moons is a rummy-style card game that invites you to befriend the moon. Combine lunar phases and events in this effortlessly educational and timeless game. The card values change in sync with the actual moon, revealing a different bonus card almost every time you play. In addition to 13 Moons, the 52-card lunar deck can be used with younger children for a game of Memory or Go Fish. The 13 Glossary cards serve as a visual reminder of the current moon phase and add an optional educational and conversational element to the game, bringing more depth and connection. Before you know it, you'll be planning your game nights around the rhythm of the moon!