Purchase of Scream Park required for purchase of this demo copy. One copy per store, please.
Pre-order deadline: April 11, 2025
Expected Street Date: May 30, 2025
MSRP: $25.00
Product Code: MXB0040DEMO
UPC: 850056309028
Manufactured in: China
Product Dimensions: 4 x 5.7 x 1.9 in.
Product Weight: 0.81 lbs
Case Quantity: 36
Case Dimensions: 13 x 12.1 x 12.4 in.
Case Weight: 30 lbs
Players: 1-5 • Playing Time: 30 • Age: 13+
Halloween season is nigh, and you have to get your ‘haunt’ ready for customers to be properly terrified on opening weekend. Your boss Rickole is looking to each of you to make the perfect scary entertainment attraction, but you only have the sets, costumes, effects and more from last year to pass around. Can you piece together a thematic and properly dreadful haunted house?
On a turn, draft two cards from a hand to use in your layout, building the experience from left to right. Either add new rooms that bolster your theme, or merge them together to imrpove previous ones. Use your staff to finish your creation, or to rearrange your haunt and perfect the crescendo of fear.
An accessible and smooth drafting game, Scream Park offers a creative experience with over 100 unique cards.