
In stock
Regular price $11.50

Media Kit

Not to be sold in the UK or EU

MSRP: $23.00
Product Code: TBGB0200
UPC: 0768114612402
Manufactured in: China
Product Dimensions: 4 x 3.6 x 2.8 in.
Product Weight: 0.7 lbs
Case Quantity: 24
Case Dimensions: 12.2 x 11.2 x 9.1 in.
Case Weight: 16.8 lbs

Players: 1 - 2 • Playing Time: 15 - 30 • Age: 14+

Volfyirion is a competitive and fast paced deck-building card game for 1-2 players, set in the wonderful world of Mysthea.
If you enjoy a quick and intense match with a lot of strategic choices, you are going to love it!
You will have to destroy your opponent cities while defending yours.
Employ your army, use your special power or, if you are brave enough, try to tame the dragon Volfyirion and have it unleash destruction on the battlefield. But beware: your opponent will try to do the same!

Game Contents:

  • 136 poker size playing cards
  • 1 screen printed dragon token
  • Rulebook