Not to be Sold on Amazon
Media Kit
MAP Policy - All customers who refuse to abide by the policy will be put on a "do not sell to" list.
MSRP: $25.00
Product Code: TRG08000
UPC: 628693600064
Manufactured in: China
Product Dimensions: 4.75 x 3 x 6.5 in.
Product Weight: 1 lbs.
Case Quantity: 32
Case Dimensions: 20 x 12 x 13.5 in.
Case Weight: 31.9 lbs.
Players: 3-10 • Playing Time: 15-40 • Age: 8+
CATNIP Auction House is where the world’s elite cats go to get the best items for their personal collections! This auction style game plays 3-10 players. Each player represents a cat that will spend its precious catnip to bid on various items until the inventory is gone. Each of these items feature abilities that can impact a cat's abilities in the auction and awards a certain number of mice to the top 3 bidders. The most mice at the end of the game wins! It's an easy, in-or-out, single value bidding mechanism for broad player appeal.